On Friday, Jan. 29 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, the East Bay Express will host a tour of its office in Oakland before the AAN West conference gets rolling later that day.
The Express will walk attendees through their production process from ad order entry/CRM, layout, sending pages to press, web/electronic flip book publishing, tear sheets and invoicing. Following the tour, guests are encouraged to share their internal work process and to exchange ideas for creating a more accurate and efficient operation.
Though the Express will be demonstrating its use of the latest version of Pre1’s Smart Publisher software and layout with ALS, this process flow session is designed for any AAN paper no matter what tools they use.
“We publish a weekly 60+ page product and an additional 26 other special issues/products a year with just a 3-person design/production team. That just wouldn’t be possible without Pre1’s Smart Publisher and ALS,” Express publisher Jody Colley says. “We have customized our ad numbering and filing process using Smart Publisher in such a way that we rarely ever have an incorrect ad run in the paper and it’s easy to call up old ads for republishing. We also rely heavily on Smart Publisher’s robust contact management system. It’s how we handle rep account claims, follow ups, mass e-letters, mailers, and pretty much everything we do. Time is money, and it saves us loads of time every week.”
This tour is free for any Web Publishing or AAN West conference attendee. Light lunch will be available, and carpool transportation to AAN West after the tour is available if needed.
RSVP required; email Jody.Colley (at) EastBayExpress.com for reservations or with questions.
East Bay Express
620 3rd Street
Oakland, CA 94607