Anne Schindler returned to work last week after spending nearly two months out of the office battling cervical cancer. Schindler, who joined the Jacksonville, Fla., alt-weekly in 1995 and was named editor in 2002, received a clean bill of health from her doctors, who told her that surgery had completely removed the cancer. "It's almost like I was never gone. My staff covered for me beautifully," Schindler tells AAN News. "Nobody missed me in the least. And I've got this really cool scar now."

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After an investigation that began when a detective saw an ad for Paradise Tanning in the Seattle Weekly's "sensual" section in August, the Everett, Wash., police have cited one employee of the spa with prostitution, reports the Daily Herald. An undercover detective and three other men working with police say they were offered sex for money at the spa, according to a search warrant filed Monday in Everett Municipal Court. Paradise also placed ads in The Stranger. "I'm not sure why people think police don't look at these newspapers. We are paying attention and we will respond as we need to," Everett police Sgt. Robert Goetz says.

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The addition of the widely syndicated sex-advice column to the Eugene Weekly is "stirring up controversy," according to KEZI-TV 9 News. The local ABC affiliate, which led with the story on Friday evening, took to the streets to get reactions; two of the three locals interviewed didn't have a problem with the column, with one woman offering, "I lived in New York City for many years. I'm way beyond ever being offended by anything." KEZI also talked to Eugene Weekly editor Ted Taylor (pictured), who wondered: "What's the big deal? They are just words about sex. Why not be outraged by what I consider the real moral issues?" Director of Advertising and Marketing Bill Shreve tells AAN News the paper picked up Savage Love in October, and e-mails and calls to the Weekly have been split about evenly between supporters and opponents of the column. He also notes that the whole thing has "been good for business."

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"A little module designed to generate page views by appealing to our voyeurism turns out to be the solution for one of online journalism's more-vexing problems," says Jason Fry of the Wall Street Journal. Fry argues that by incorporating the "Most Popular," and, to a lesser extent, the "Most E-mailed" functions into their Web sites, newspapers are regaining one of the greatest characteristics of the print product -- serendipity.

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In Ann Hood's "The Knitting Circle," the protagonist, after the sudden death of her five-year-old daughter, drifts away from her life, including "her job at an alternative newspaper," only to find solace in -- you guessed it -- a local knitting circle. No word from Newsday's review on if she ever rekindles the passion for her job, post-knit-revelation. The alternative weekly's role in Dan Martin's "Journey Back" couldn't be any different, as "paranoid schizophrenic and recovering drug addict Richard Jones" escapes from an institution for the criminally insane, drives from New York to California, changes his identity, and lands a job as an alt-weekly writer, according to a review on Once on the job, he tracks down a story on a secret drug experiment designed to help addicts and alcoholics, but to get full access, he has to become part of the test program.

Continue ReadingFictional Alt-Weeklies Figure in Two New Novels