AAN director of sales and marketing Roxanne Cooper and her assistant, Tiffany Kildale, resigned last week after accepting new positions with different employers. Cooper will be leaving AAN in February to take over as associate publisher of the Philadelphia City Paper, and Kildale departs next month to assume the position of meeting coordinator at the Chemical Producers & Distributors Association in Washington, D.C.

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"While it is easy to blame mean and nasty CEOs for trimming budgets, the fact is that our journalism, advertising and our content needs to be and are being re-conceived," Creative Loafing CEO Ben Eason says in a memo to employees leaked to Poynter's Jim Romenesko. In the memo, Eason tells his employees that most of the post-merger integration -- including staffing decisions -- of the Chicago Reader and Washington City Paper into the CL family is complete. "I'm very pleased with how the new company has come together," he says. "We are positioned well to take advantage of the future."

Continue ReadingBen Eason Weighs in on the State of Creative Loafing

On Friday, a revised bill strengthening the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) passed the Senate by a voice vote, according to the Associated Press. The bill makes minor revisions to previously passed legislation to meet concerns of the House of Representatives, which could take it up this week before adjourning for the year. It creates an independent ombudsman to resolve citizen disputes and help agencies strengthen FOIA, creates tracking systems so the public can easily track the status of requests and lets requesters more easily recover legal costs when agencies improperly deny requests. The Sunshine in Government Initiative, of which AAN is a member, urges the House to take action and pass its version of the bill.

Continue ReadingSGI Applauds Senate Passage of FOIA Bill, Urges Speedy House Action

The paper lost electricity early on Monday, Dec. 10, just hours before the always-hectic press day. But this week's issue still came out, thanks to the hard work of Gazette employees ... and a generator. "We were first in line for a [generator] rental but weren't fully functional until nine hours later," associate publisher Jeffri-Lynn Dyer says. "We aren't returning it, though. With the next storm coming, we might need it next press day!" According to the latest forecast, a new storm is expected to bring two to four inches of snow heading into this weekend. The Gazette's rented generator is on standby in the paper's parking lot.

Continue ReadingOklahoma Gazette Loses Power, Publishes With Help of Generator

In the first year-over-year comparisons using its monthly chart of the most popular newspaper websites, Editor & Publisher reports that Village Voice Media grew its traffic 127 percent from Nov. 2006 to Nov. 2007. Over the same period of time, total minutes spent on the company's sites increased by 89 percent. VVM's network of sites ranked 10th in traffic last month, with a total of 2,774,000 unique visitors, according to E&P.

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