"This week's issue marks my last as editor," Bill Colrus writes in a farewell column. He's leaving the Chattanooga alt-weekly "for a new and exciting opportunity in the world of custom publishing," and will be replaced by current co-publisher Michael Kull. "This paper has been devoted to digging for bits of truth buried in mountains of dishonesty and spin, and I've been glad to man the shovel," writes Colrus, who was hired prior to the paper's launch in 2003. "As I leave, I am confident that The Pulse will continue its mission to give a voice to the voiceless, go deeper on stories when a superficial snapshot is not enough, and strive to tell the stories nobody else will tell."

Continue ReadingThe Pulse’s Founding Editor Steps Down

Matt Bors, whose "Idiot Box" comic appears in AAN member papers including Seven Days, The Village Voice, and the Cleveland Free Times, will now have his work syndicated three times a week by United Feature Syndicate. Bors "infuses the traditional format of editorial cartooning with comic-strip structures and biting humor," says fellow alt-weekly staple Ted Rall, who is also United's acquisition and development editor.

Continue ReadingAlt-Weekly Cartoonist Inks Distro Deal with United Media