The San Francisco Bay Guardian's G.W. Schulz won "the coveted Public Service award" for his coverage of MediaNews Group's purchase of nearly all Bay Area daily newspapers. SPJ's panel of judges noted that the Bay Guardian "demonstrated by example the value of diversity in news media ownership." Eliza Strickland's examination of questionable practices at an expensive cooking school and how California has failed to regulate for-profit schools for SF Weekly won for investigative reporting, while East Bay Express' Kara Platoni took home the award for feature writing for her piece on gun violence and gun availability. The Society of Professional Journalists' Northern California Chapter will honor the winners at a Nov. 8 dinner.

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"It is past time for Congress to act" on a federal shield law, the New York Times editorializes. While saying the compromise bill introduced earlier this month "does not contain everything we would have liked," the Times notes that "passage of a federal shield law would be a major achievement." The bill may get a mark-up in the Senate Judiciary Committee as early as this week. AAN is a member of the Shield Law Coalition, and encourages its members in states with senators on the Judiciary Committee to call their senators in support of the bill.

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