In Dec. 2004, a jury awarded $950,000 to Maryland prosecutor Marc Mandel in a libel suit against the Boston alt-weekly. Twenty months later, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit overturned that ruling and ordered a new trial, which gets its first hearing before a judge today, the Boston Herald reports. Former staff writer Kristen Lombardi, editor Susan Ryan-Vollmar and attorneys for the Phoenix will argue that Mandel was a public figure.

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The Richmond, Va., alt-weekly took home a total of 10 first-place VPA awards, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports. Writer Brandon Walters and photographer Scott Elmquist each placed first in three categories; Elmquist and art director Jeffrey Bland shared one first place finish; Melissa Scott Sinclair and Scott Bass each grabbed one award for writing; and one went to the entire staff. Another Virginia AAN member, Port Folio Weekly, won two third-place VPA awards. UPDATE: We've been told that in addition to the 10 first-place awards, Style Weekly also won two Best-in-Show VPA awards, which are elected from all first-place winners in a newspaper's division. Photographer Scott Elmquist also recently took home another first-place award, from the Virginia News Photographers Association.

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That's the most surprising finding in Poynter's recently released Eyetrack study, according to Editor & Publisher. Readers in the study read 77 percent of the average online story, while the corresponding figures were 62 percent for broadsheets and 57 percent for tabloids. Read more about eyetrack studies at

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Nashville City Council members Mike Jameson and Ludye Wallace have introduced a bill that would require publishers to get a permit for news boxes that encroach on any public right-of-way, the Scene reports. A permit would initially cost $50 for a freestanding box and $10 for a spot in a newsrack, and require an annual renewal fee of $10. The ordinance would also give the director of Public Works the authority to adopt further rules which could dictate placement, maximum number of boxes within a given area or maintenance standards, according to the alt-weekly. Publisher and former Council member Chris Ferrell "has been working his Council contacts to derail [the] bill," which Mayor Bill Purcell also opposes, the Scene reports.

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AAN launched a new web publishing blog today at The blog is designed to be an in-depth, concrete resource on web publishing news, online innovations and journalism trends. For more information on the blog, visit the about page, the editorial policy, and the blog style guide. The blog coincides with the launch of other 2.0 AAN identities, such as the AAN MySpace account, account, and Flickr account. Recent posts on

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