The San Francisco Bay Guardian is "choking on its own success," the San Francisco Examiner says in a guest column by Martin F. Nolan. "The newspaper's political opponents are products of a 'machine.' Bay Guardian heroes come from a 'movement,' even if they march in Tammany Hall lockstep. The favorite B.G. pejorative is 'corporate.' Does it take money for its ads? Or is it nonprofit?" Nolan writes.

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The nation's big dailies are squealing about a proposal to audit free-circulation newspapers. Advertisers and ad agencies like the idea, and they dominate the membership of the prestigious Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC). "Free papers are taking money away from the newspapers you print. Going forward, there is going to be a need for an ABC audit of these publications," Terry Prill, newspaper strategist and special projects, tells the dailies in an Editor & Publisher article.

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