AAN staff will be striving to provide timely updates from the AAN Convention in Little Rock today, but we're not the only ones wired around here. Check out Jimmy Boegle from Tucson Weekly's take on what made Thursday a "bummer" and what made it "brighter," Laura Fries from Creative Loafing, Inc., weighing in on Little Rock's barbeque, Julia Goldberg from Santa Fe Reporter's comparison of the Clinton Library to a trailer, Cathy Resmer from Seven Days' session updates, or Weekly Planet's Wayne Garcia, aka "PoHo," relaying lessons learned from Ted Conover. (Know of others who are posting from the convention? Send an e-mail to amyg@aan.org.)

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"Kevin Keane tore me a new asshole a couple weeks ago," begins the June 14 editor's note from Stephen Buel (here, second item). Keane, executive editor of ANG newspapers, was upset by East Bay Express' unfavorable coverage of his company's prospective purchase of Bay Area dailies. Buel says he stands by the Express' "overall conclusion," but he regrets "a few elements": not asking ANG for comment, using a fake byline on an article that rated reporters and not calling "attention to some of the good work done by reporters at ANG." As part of Buel's amends, this week's issue of the Express contains an interview with Keane.

Continue ReadingEast Bay Express Editor Offers Apology for Recent MediaNews Coverage

Village Voice Media announced this afternoon that Erik Wemple (pictured) had "changed his mind" and decided to remain in his current position as editor of the Washington City Paper: "Although Wemple accepted the job of editor-in-chief of the historic Voice -- even introducing himself to the staff -- subsequent discussions revealed disagreements over newsroom management," VVM explained. Executive Editor Mike Lacey said Wemple's reservations were "not unreasonable." Wemple released his own statement, saying that he continues "to believe that the people at Village Voice Media are committed to a great editorial product, as evidenced by the great newspapers that they publish across the country."

Continue ReadingWemple Won’t Be Village Voice Editor After All