Jason Walsh will take the helm from Linda Xiques this Friday, the Marin County weekly announced in its current issue. Xiques began working at the Sun as an intern before becoming a reporter and then serving as an editor of the paper for 23 years. Walsh "has a broad newspaper background in areas of news and features as well as experience in radio and television," according to the Sun. Most recently, he was news editor at the Sonoma Index-Tribune.

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The 53rd annual Unity Awards in Media, announced May 15, recognize "contributions to continuing standards of excellence in media through efforts that reflect accurate exposure of issues affecting minorities and disabled persons." Westword Editor Patty Calhoun won first place in Editorial Writing for her story "A Piece of the Action," while former Riverfront Times writer Mike Seely (now at Seattle Weekly) topped the Politics category with "The Resurrection of Carl Officer."

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The alt-weekly's "Goliath Blog," launched Saturday, will chronicle the fight between the local independent media and Gannett Corporation, which owns the daily Clarion-Ledger. Jackson Free Press Publisher Todd Stauffer detailed Gannett's strategy to control distribution spots in a May 9 article. The Goliath blog's first post contains a "Citizens' Guide to Fighting Gannett Corp. Scheme," which invites readers to take action.

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