The owner of alt-weeklies in Boston, Providence and Portland, Maine, will launch new sites for each paper on Jan. 1, according to the Boston Business Journal. Phoenix Media executive vice president Bradley Mindich says the $200,000 upgrade is a smart investment in light of the growth of Internet advertising. "In five years, it is highly probable that, as a converged media company, the Web could be the largest ad revenue generator for us," says Mindich. The Business Journal also reports that Phoenix competitor The Weekly Dig will launch a new site in March modeled after but targeting the 18- to 34-year-old demographic.

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Jack Harper, a Republican state senator, subpoenaed ballots from a contested 2004 legislative race so that a computer science professor hired by New Times could review them, the Arizona Daily Star reported. The consultant reportedly planned to release his findings directly to the newspaper. The county treasurer is opposing this arrangement, and a superior court judge has set a hearing for the second week of January to hear arguments on the legality of the subpoena.

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