The annual awards competition of the International Newspaper Marketing Association is divided into two broad genres: "Use of a Medium In Marketing Newspapers," which rewards creative use of various marketing media, and "Customers and Audiences," which rewards the overall effectiveness of multimedia campaigns. This year, the latter genre includes a new category, "Promotion of the Newspaper As An Advertising Medium," which is open to newspapers, advertising agencies, media buyers, and press associations. The contest deadline is Jan. 24; the awards will be presented at the INMA World Congress, from April 5-7, 2006 in Chicago.

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Tori Marlan is one of eight journalists chosen this year to receive a grant from the Alicia Patterson Foundation. Marlan's $17,500 six-month grant will enable her to take a leave of absence from the Reader and immerse herself in her topic, which she describes as "the plight of unaccompanied minors--kids from all over the world who come to the U.S. without parents or guardians and seek asylum. The government detains more than 5,000 of them each year." Marlan hopes her work "will appeal to a national and international readership."

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During a discussion of "the war on Christmas" on the Dec. 13 episode of Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor," host Bill O'Reilly suggested that "you expect those people to be communing with Satan up there in the Madison, Wisconsin media." A Madison-based Web site decided to investigate further, eliciting several tongue-in-cheek responses from local media and political officials -- including Bill Lueders, news editor for AAN member paper Isthmus. Lueders said, "Actually, I commune with Satan often, and consider him a pal. Not the scary Biblical Satan who eats babies and the like, but the kind of guy who is considered sinister by Bill O'Reilly and friends: You know, the kind who believes that government ought to be on the side of people in need, not people in greed; the kind who supports equality for woman and gay people; the kind who tries to be respectful of religious diversity and not trumpet the 'majority' religion. That Satan. Praise be with him."

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