The New York Times Co. (Quote, Chart)and The Tribune Co. (Quote), Chart)) both reported significantly higher online ad revenue than over the same period last year. Revenue increases for interactive were far larger than the gains in other operating units for both companies.

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In an interview with, the editor/sex columnist describes his contrarian philosophy and his paper's brand of journalism ("The Stranger does advocacy journalism, and for the politicians we like we stump like hell for them"); opines on what separates good alt-weeklies from bad ("They have a really great sense of play") and names the ones he likes; and defines the daily-newspaper problem in a nutshell: "(I)f you don't have anything in your paper that's going to upset a five-year-old then 35-year-olds are going to look elsewhere for the kind of writing that appeals to them and speaks to them."

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As the campaign to recall California Gov. Gray Davis drew to a close, Jill Stewart accused the LA Times of delaying publication of their Grope- gate expose of Arnold Schwarzenegger until the eleventh hour; leaking word of the impending story to the Davis camp; and refusing to report on allegations that Davis mistreated women in his office. Last week, Times' Editor John Carroll wrote an editorial refuting the charges. This week, Ventura County Reporter publishes Stewart's response.

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South Carolina ranks low in many aspects -- education, road safety, SAT scores -- but it ranks number one for women who are killed by men in single victim, single offender cases. In 95 percent of those cases, the victims knew their killers. Of the victims who knew their attackers, 67 percent were wives, common-law wives, ex- wives, or girlfriends. To remember these women struggling to escape abuse, Charleston City Paper offers the personal story of one who made it out.

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The experiences readers ascribe to magazines greatly influence their readership of magazines, as well as the impact of advertising appearing in magazines. That is the central, if not so surprising finding, generated by an important new study scheduled to be released next week at the American Magazine Conference. The study is important, because it defines precisely which experiences inhibit or motivate magazine readers, insights which ultimately could be used to develop research that could be used to plan magazine advertising buys.

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Recognizing that advertisers are often hesitant to promote their products in edgier programs, Comedy Central asked Frank N. Magid Associates to determine whether ads that run in risqué programming are more effective in terms of brand recall (they are, say the results). Additionally, based on interviews with the 400 adults sampled, the research showed that brands advertised are not negatively affected by the content of the show. "We found that agencies needed more ammunition to show clients that there is a positive value to edgy programming," said Ray Giacopelli, Comedy Central's vp, research and ad sales.

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Wishful Americans who are still hoping President Bush will acknowledge that his imperial foreign policy has stumbled in Iraq and needs fixing or reining in, should put aside those reveries, argues Sidney Schanberg. The Bush Doctrine is a global military-based policy and is not just about liberating the Iraqi people, says Schanberg, who reviews the policy's origins and examines its founding documents to make his case.

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Advertising groups, under pressure from new state laws banning unsolicited bulk e-mail, today released a new standard for e-mail marketing that includes a requirement all e-mails include a working method for removing names from future mailings.

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