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If you think the economy's bad here, drive just across the Mexican border to Nogales, Sonora. Since the current recession started, many of Nogales' maquiladoras (factories) have closed or laid off employees -- making lives for maquila workers even tougher. Tucson Weekly's Kari Redfield talks to the maquiladora workers and finds a world of hurt.

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The new tabloid, amNewYork, will target young urban commuters and will be launched early in the fourth quarter, according to Newsday. Distribution will begin in Manhattan and then spread to the other boroughs, with papers given away at subway stations and bus stops as well as health clubs, bars, restaurants and bookstores. Tribune Publishing, which owns the youth-oriented daily Red Eye in Chicago, will partner in New York with newspaper executive Russel Pergament, who developed the original idea for amNewYork.

Continue ReadingTribune Plans Another Free Daily, This Time in NYC

The radio industry is slowly coming out of the slump that has plagued the medium for most of the first half of the year. According to figures released Monday by the Radio Advertising Bureau, radio advertising rose 3 percent in July, with national continuing to lead the way with a 12 percent gain. Local advertising, which accounts for 80 percent of all radio revenue, was flat for the month.

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The Alternative Weekly Network announces six new members, including the Times Shamrock Alternative Newsweekly Group's four alt-weeklies, which moved over from the Ruxton Group. Three of the papers -- San Antonio Current, Detroit's Metro Times and Orlando Weekly (all except Baltimore City Paper) -- were former AWN members that shifted to Ruxton when their parent company, Alternative Media, Inc., was purchased by Times Shamrock in 1999. "They’re back now…and we could not be more pleased," AWN says in its September newsletter.

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American kids, teenagers, and young adults, aged 8 to 21 years, have annual incomes totaling $211 billion, according to latest projections based on the findings of Harris Interactive YouthPulse, an online study of the Generation Y population. Results show that this group is spending at a rate of approximately $172 billion per year and is saving at a rate of $39 billion per year.

Continue ReadingYouthPulse Study: Gen Y Earns $211 Billion; Spends $172 Billion Annually