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As the start of hoops season nears, well over 50 percent of NBAers sport tattoos. David Shields reads what's written on the body. "A tattoo is ink stored in scar tissue," Shields writes in The Village Voice. Shields asks the heavily decorated NBA stars whether they'd let a company buy a tattoo on their bodies and the NBA if it would let them sell such ads.

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Several daily newspapers are planning to target youth with new publications aimed at 18-to-34-year-olds, but will they succeed? Editor & Publisher offers pro and con views: an unsigned editorial from this week's issue suggests why "da chainz" just might succeed; and E&P intern Chris Nammour argues that you can't teach a young dog old tricks.

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Breast cancer awareness month and races for cures gloss over the hidden agendas and conflicts of interest in the so-called fight against breast cancer. Fairfield County Weekly's Mary Ann Swissler looks at the intense marketing of breast cancer awareness and the medical industry it actually benefits.

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Erstwhile media critic David Shaw mourns the passing of New Times LA, "even if it was often shrill and sometimes irresponsible," he says. While admitting that it's "difficult to generalize about the alternative press since some of the papers ... are so idiosyncratic as to defy categorization," Shaw reflects on how alternative weeklies have changed.

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The Association for Women in Communications named Sarah Fenske, Cleveland Scene and David Holthouse, Phoenix New Times, feature story winners, while Willy Stern and Liz Garrigan of the Nashville Scene, and the New Times staff won Clarion awards for feature series.

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Saint Louisian Leo White, aka the "One-Wheel Roller," has won more than 54 regional competitions since he began skating at age six. With his ability to slip into a low, stealthy, single-skate glide from a full-throttle roll, White is the skating equivalent of the drool-inducing basketball player who can charge down the court at Formula One speed, then stop, pop and bury a jumper from 15 feet in transition, writes Mike Seely of the Riverfront Times. This week, he's attending the World Championship of Performing Arts in Los Angeles. Whether he relocates to LA may be the million-dollar question for the One-Wheel Roller, whose niche is anything but sure-fire bankable, Seely says.

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