The study is "designed to move beyond the 'click' as a measure of online advertising success," Silicon Alley Insider reports. It assesses 80 branding campaigns across 200 websites over a month's time, analyzing consumer behaviors of users exposed to display advertising. "To date, measuring a brand campaign meant relying on the click," Online Publishers Association president Pam Horan says in a release. "In order to understand the value of the audiences that display advertising attracts, our study helps marketers think about real behavioral measures designed to move the needle."

Continue ReadingOnline Publishers Association/comScore Study Looks at ‘Silent Clicks’

The Foundation for Biomedical Research has named Max Taves' "UCLA Profs and Scientists Sued Animal-Rights Radicals" the winner of a 2008 Michael E. DeBakey Journalism Award in the Print (Large Market) division. The award "recognizes outstanding journalism demonstrating the essential role of humane animal research in medical discoveries and scientific breakthroughs," according to the foundation.

Continue ReadingL.A. Weekly Story Wins National Science Writing Award

The Reader, named for the Twin Cities alt-weekly that closed in 1997, is a local news aggregator being developed as a separate entity from the paper's Blotter blog. "This is it's own product, and it's meant to be a hub for finding the most important stories in the Twin Cities quickly," City Pages editor Kevin Hoffman tells AAN News in an email. "Whereas Blotter is highly voice driven, this is more like a map where the reader decides where to visit." The Reader apes the look of the notorious Drudge Report, a move Hoffman says was intentional. "The Drudge Report has long been the top national aggregator online, even for people who don't agree with Drudge's politics," he says. "We think that this is the format that people are used to for aggregators, and wanted to do something similar for local news."

Continue ReadingCity Pages Launches ‘Twin Cities Reader’

comScore is reporting that the number of people who sought local information on a mobile device grew 51 percent from March 2008 to March 2009. The number of people accessing online directories has seen the greatest increase during the past year (73 percent), followed by restaurants (70 percent), maps (63 percent) and movies (60 percent).

Continue ReadingReport: Mobile Audience for Local Content is Up

"The Las Vegas U.S. attorney's office appears to have relented in its demand for the identities of all of the people who wrote comments on the Review-Journal website about a criminal tax trial in progress," the Las Vegas daily reports. The revised subpoena asks for the same information about only two comments, and the paper says it will comply. "I'd hate to be the guy who refused to tell the feds Timothy McVeigh was buying fertilizer," editor Thomas Mitchell says. Meanwhile, the ACLU of Nevada has filed its own motion to quash the subpoena and stop the release of any identities.

Continue ReadingSubpoena for Web Commenters’ Info in Las Vegas is Narrowed

The alt-weekly is commemorating the occasion with a host of features, including the video of 35 years of covers embedded below, a Q&A with co-founder Richard McCord, a look back at memorable ads through the years and more. Reporter editor Julia Goldberg tells AAN News that the city has also dubbed June 17, 2009, "Santa Fe Reporter Day" in honor of the paper's 35th birthday.

Continue ReadingSanta Fe Reporter Celebrates 35th Anniversary