Tess Martinez died Monday in a car accident in New Mexico. She was 25 years old. Martinez was one of 10 Academy for Alternative Journalism fellows in 2008 and a former Tucson Weekly intern. The Weekly reports that she was on her way to the Chicago area to look for work when the accident happened. Her Twitter page lists her last message -- sent at 3:44 pm on Saturday -- as: "driving to Chicago tonight."

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Julie Lyons, the evangelical Christian who stepped down as Observer editor in late 2007, has written a book on her religious transformation. Holy Roller was released yesterday by WaterBrook Press, a subsidiary of Random House. In an interview with Beliefnet, Lyons, who wrote a popular and at-times controversial "Bible Girl" column for the alt-weekly, talks about the book and what she's been up to since leaving the Observer. Besides writing, she says she's spent more time in ministry. "I go door to door in the streets of South Dallas with an evangelism team," she says. "We're out there to win souls for Jesus, plain and simple."

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Two alt-weeklies took home awards in the East Bay Press Club's 2008 Excellence in Print Journalism Contest. The East Bay Express won a total of five awards, with first-place finishes for Best Analysis, Best Opinion Piece and Lifestyle Feature. SF Weekly also took home one of the press club's awards, which were announced at a reception on Friday.

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Washington City Paper classified manager Heather McAndrews says that in the first week of May, adult ads were up 38 percent over the same time last year; City Pages publisher Mark Bartel says adult ads there have "almost doubled;" and SF Weekly's adult ad count has jumped from 160 before Craigslist's new policy went into effect to 910 last week. One woman who advertises in both City Paper and Craigslist tells the alt-weekly that Craigslist's "standard is no good because you cannot really describe who you are."

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The increasing amount of data available about online advertising is leading marketers to turn to data mavens to tweak campaigns based on what is and isn't working, the New York Times reports. Agencies can also use web ads to test out different themes, phrases and imagery before investing in old media ad buys, which are much more expensive. "It's nice to be able to tell your brand manager or the chief marketing officer which audience is interacting with the unit, what time of day, what day of the week, and what the response is on certain types of offers," Varick Media Management president Darren Herman says. "Before, nobody could really tell you that."

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Five alt-weeklies won a number of awards in the Oregon and Southwest Washington chapter of the Society for Professional Journalists' 2008 Excellence in Journalism Awards. Among non-daily newspapers in Oregon, Willamette Week took home 10 first-place awards, while Eugene Weekly took home one. Among alt-weeklies in the Northwest region, WW won six first-place awards; Seattle Weekly won four; the Missoula Independent won two; and the Pacific Northwest Inlander won one.

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