Instead of bringing Going Rogue to be signed, an attendee at a recent Palin appearance at the Mall of America brought a copy of the Nov. 18 City Pages issue that parodied Palin's book cover, featuring U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann in place of Palin, with the title Going Crazy. The former vice presidential candidate "smiled vapidly at everyone and started to sign it, apparently not noticing it wasn't her face on the cover image," City Pages reports. "Unfortunately one of her handlers yanked the paper away at the last second and tossed it in the corner."

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Just last week we noted that medical marijuana-related advertising was filling up the pages of Denver's Westword; now a medical marijuana website is calling on shops that advertise in L.A. Weekly to pull their ads. The boycott, proposed by the site WeedTRACKER, comes after the paper ran a cover story that looked at Los Angeles' inability to regulate the city's medical marijuana shops. "The person who calls for the boycott obviously wasn't pleased with what we found," Patrick Range McDonald writes, "even though the Weekly takes local politicians to task for allowing non-permitted, opportunistic pot shops to give a compassionate cause -- the legal use of medical marijuana by truly sick people -- a very public black eye."

Continue ReadingWebsite Calls for Medical Marijuana Ad Boycott Against L.A. Weekly

"Manhattan Media has thrived as the media landscape has fragmented," Crain's New York reports. The privately-held company, which owns a stable of community weeklies and local specialty magazines, says revenue has grown fivefold since 2002 and advertising revenue for its newspapers is up this year over last. Crain's doesn't make much specific mention of the Press, which Manhattan Media purchased in 2007, except to note that "the company is still tinkering" with the alt-weekly.

Continue ReadingNew York Press Parent Co. ‘Has Defied Industry Trends’

A new study from market research firm Synovate finds that 32 percent of Americans would be open to having their web browsing habits monitored if it meant they received ads more relevant to their interests, as long as they couldn't be identified as an actual person by the data collected. Another 8 percent said they would be open to behavioral targeting with "few, if any, concerns," but 35 percent said they weren't interested because of privacy concerns.

Continue ReadingStudy: 40 Percent of Americans Open to Behavioral Targeting

In a report on how Colorado's booming medical marijuana industry is creating a "so called gold rush" for media companies that are accepting advertising from the dispensaries, KUNC's Bente Birkeland says "no newspaper has embraced the industry more than Westword." The Denver alt-weekly "is covered with pages and pages of medical marijuana ads for green docs, natural remedies and alternative healing," KUNC notes. But Poynter's Al Tompkins says that accepting the ads could pose potential problems for newspapers. "The fact is it is still against the law on the federal level," he says. "Even though there is no desire to prosecute it, it is still illegal, and generally it's against the law to be advertising an illegal act."

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