Ads for apartments have skyrocketed in the past year, Chicago Reader Classifieds Manager Brett Murphy tells Crain's Chicago Business. The jump has fueled 25 percent growth in ad volume at a time when help-wanted ads are down, and landlords who once took out a single ad to find a tenant now run one for many weeks, he tells the business newspaper.

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From London's wobbling Millennium Bridge to the collapse of the World Trade Center, engineer Tony Fitzpatrick has tackled some tough problems. Fitzpatrick, a San Francisco-based engineer and world-renowned authority on tall buildings, tells SF Weekly's Matt Smith that the most reasonable response to the World Trade Center disaster is also one of the simplest: improved fire codes for skyscrapers

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LA Weekly has named Natalie Cole, formerly director of sales development and general merchandise for the Los Angeles Times, associate publisher. Cole is the third former LA Times ad executive hired in the past month by LA/OC Weekly Publisher Beth Sestanovich, who is herself a former advertising director for the Times.

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Mrs. Portland Mercury contestant Bethany Miller filled her stomach with "colorful, smelly and chunky" food items, chased with ipecac, then visited The Mercury's office in time to hurl in the kitchenette. Her beef: the mocking tone the alt-weekly took about its own contest. "People were really mean, and they didn't encourage an atmosphere of fun," Miller tells Willamette Week. [Illustration by Carson Ellis.]

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About 120 religious activists turned out last week to protest a "blasphemous" cartoon published in the Chicago Reader, reports The Illinois Leader, which bills itself "Illinois' Conservative News Source." The cartoon in question implied immoral behavior by the Virgin Mary, the pope and Jesus, the newspaper says.

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Tele-Publishing International has reassured clients that money collected for online personals by bankrupt MCI should be distributed soon, Editor & Publisher reports. Many alternative newsweeklies use 900 numbers for voice personal ads. MCI will soon be the sole national carrier billing and collecting for these services.

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According to no less an authority than the 2000 census, Miami is now the poorest big city in America. In a two-part series of stories that begins this week, Miami New Times' writers and editors explore Miami's fascinating shadow economy, a thriving black-market system that makes it possible to live one's life entirely off the books. They explain how public-housing fiascos have turned neighborhoods into ghost towns, with a crippling effect on the small businesses that depended on the residents -- even if those residents happened to be drug dealers.

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Sarah Goodyear writes in The Village Voice about her short career as an FBI informant. She turned in a talkative Brooklyn cabbie, an Egyptian, who'd warned her in July 2001 that something bad was going to happen to America, even mentioning Osama bin Laden. The friendly accused doesn't hold his interrogation against her, and he wasn't detained, but Goodyear still feels the taint of her brush with TIPS.

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