Boise Weekly Launches New Website

May 22, 2009

Sally Freeman
sally (at)

Earlier this week, Boise Weekly launched a new and much improved website at The new site is easy to use, constantly updated and offers multiple opportunities for readers to be more involved in creating social dialog.

It has already upgraded our status in Boise’s media market from an occasional weekly glance to a must-click daily bookmark. contains the social calendar, recreational offerings and political agenda for Boise’s skyrocketing alt-weekly and online crowd.

Arguably one of the most exciting features of Boise Weekly‘s new website is prominent blog placement. Along with the launch of the new site, Boise Weekly has also launched four new blogs and relocated its politics blog, citydesk, to the main website. The new blogs include:

  • Cobweb: The editorial melting pot for commentary and breaking news.
  • The Grip: A project for which Boise Weekly won AAN’s Diversity Grant. The Grip is the work of two refugees, one from Iraq and another from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who have been relocated to Boise.
  • Blingo: The daily musings of Boise Weekly‘s former owner/editor Bingo Barnes.
  • MixTape: An audio/visual blog.

Also prominent on the new homepage is a field of “Top Stories,” which changes in real time and allows for the highest visibility for all content. Photos as well as audio and video content are now far easier to upload and use, making for a site that’s not only an archive of Boise Weekly‘s paper product, but one that adds significant daily value to the paper.

Designed in conjunction with DesertNet, the new encourages readers to be more involved not only with the Boise Weekly staff, but also among each other. With a social networking community built into the site, as well as highly visible “Reader Comments” and “Reader Reviews” sections on the homepage and secondary pages, readers are better able to keep apprised of the most current and hotly debated topics at

Please direct all questions and comments to Publisher Sally Freeman at 208-344-2055 or sally (at)