Recent posts on AAN's web publishing best practices blog include tips on automatically feeding paper content to Twitter, finding 2.0 trends from top conferences on, and setting up an easy RSS aggregator to troll for story ideas. Seven Days online editor Cathy Resmer makes her AAN-blogging debut, contributing a post on finding and using local content on YouTube, sharing stories found online that made their way into the paper. In addition, a detailed overview of NOW's recent Box Design Challenge is featured, along with tips on Managing Your Digital Professional Identity.

Continue ReadingHow to Use YouTube, Twitter, Slideshare and Street Boxes

For the second year in a row, AAN will host a cocktail reception for film-industry clients in Los Angeles this fall. On the heels of the success of last year's "AANtourage," "TrAANsformers" will feature hors d'ouvres, an open bar and entertainment. In addition, party-goers will again have the opportunity to win high-end door prizes donated by AAN members. Each AAN member may send a maximum of two representatives, and pre-registration is required. For more information or to reserve a spot, contact Roxanne Cooper at rcooper (at) or 202-289-8484.

Continue ReadingSave the Date: TrAANsformers Invade L.A. on Sept. 20

Representing 90 AAN member papers and many non-members as well, 588 alties converged on Portland last weekend for a rousing 30th annual AAN Convention. There were senators, strip club tours, former US attorneys, marching bands, scores of informative sessions, and, of course, parties galore. If you missed it, or if you just want to relive your treasured memories, you can always head over to the first-ever official convention blog, which now features blog posts by convention attendees and AAN staff, as well as links to the many folks who wrote about the confab for their own papers or websites. If you've seen coverage we're missing, you can e-mail editor (at)

Continue ReadingFarewell PortlAANd 2007, We Hardly Knew Ye

Held at the Medill School of Journalism, AAN's reporter training focuses on alt-weekly-centric issues, including innovative ways to cover news and arts, as well as fresh looks at narrative storytelling. The annual workshop has expanded to include sessions for design and production staff, such as time-saving tricks for Creative Suite 3 and how to design ads for the web. Registration for members is $75 until July 27. Nonmembers can register for $150. The Hotel Orrington will provide accommodations for a special fee of $119 per night.

Continue ReadingSave the Date: Alternative Journalism Workshop Aug. 10 -11

At Saturday's First Amendment Luncheon, the former federal prosecutor for New Mexico who helped sparked the scandal presently engulfing U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the Bush Administration discussed loyalty, politics, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) with Santa Fe Reporter editor Julia Goldberg. "I'm still processing the damage that could be done to the rule of law [by the administration]," he said. Among other things, Iglesias also said that John Ashcroft's staff at the DOJ was older and more experienced than Gonzales', and that Gonzales led a shift in the department from "working for the people" to "working for the White House." We have three video clips available from the luncheon. Part one is embedded below; part two can be found here, and part three, here. MORE: Read bloggers' reactions to the Iglesias' speech at the convention blog.

Continue ReadingFormer US Attorney David Iglesias: ‘Loyalty Has Limits’

Stephen Leon (pictured), the editor and publisher of Metroland in Albany, N.Y., was elected President on Saturday during the association's annual meeting. Willamette Week editor Mark Zusman was elected Vice President, making him the heir apparent to the presidency. Six of the nine remaining board seats were filled by incumbents running unopposed.

Continue ReadingAAN Elects 11 Board Members

AAN members considered the applications of 19 papers, but approved only Chattanooga Pulse, Metro Spirit, North Coast Journal, Urban Tulsa Weekly and Vue Weekly at the association's annual meeting on Saturday afternoon in Portland. The meeting included spirited debate over the applications of two Canadian papers, Calgary's Fast Forward Weekly and Edmonton's Vue, which -- like Urban Tulsa -- was forced to a second ballot before it was admitted.

Continue ReadingFive New Member Papers Admitted to AAN

The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies announced the winners of the AltWeekly Awards today at a luncheon at the annual convention in Portland. The luncheon also included a special tribute to Molly Ivins presented by her friend and radio commentator, Jim Hightower. L.A. Weekly was the big winner in the large division, taking home 13 awards, seven of which were first-place finishes. Style Weekly similarly dominated the small circulation division, earning five first-place trophies and three other awards.

Continue ReadingAAN Announces AltWeekly Awards Winners