Robinson Devor's film Police Beat, which chronicles a week in the life of an African-born Seattle bike cop, has been accepted for the 2005 Sundance Film Festival Dramatic Competition, reports the Seattle Times. Devor co-wrote the film with Charles Mudede, whose Police Beat column in The Stranger provided its inspiration. Zimbabwe-born Mudede would visit police precincts, scan the log for interesting stories, interview the cops involved and incorporate their stories into his column. The film was selected into the prestigious competition from more than 700 submissions. (Free registration required.)

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St. Pete Weekly Newspapers will operate the Web portal under a joint agreement with New York Metropolis, another non-AAN weekly alternative newspaper distributed in New York City's outer boroughs. St. Pete Weekly Newspapers publishes the new alternative newspaper St. Pete Weekly, which will handle's day-to-day operations and move the Web site from a diarist-style online magazine to a portal and syndicate for alternative journalism.

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