Washington City Paper Premieres Editorial Blog

Washington City Paper is pleased to announce the premiere of its editorial blog, City Desk.

For this addition to the weekly paper, CP staffers and contributors will be reporting and commenting on neighborhood news, politics, the media, and the arts throughout the week, whenever interesting and important events happen.

(City Desk will cover pretty much all things D.C. except sex–for which we point you to our dating blog, About Last Night: http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/aboutlastnight/)

Expect crack reporting and sharp commentary from a group of journalists that knows our city better than any team out there. In the coming days, look for posts from Trey Graham on theater, Mark Jenkins on architecture and planning, Tim Carman on food, James Jones on D.C. politics, Erik Wemple on local media, and many more.

If you have any comments or tips, we’d love to have them: citydesk@washingtoncitypaper.com.

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