Welcome to the second installment of this new column, where I bring some of the best Tweets and Retweets from our account to the Staff Blog for the Twitter-phobic or for those who just might have missed it.
- RT @NiemanLab: Got any confidential sources in Gmail? The question is: Should journalists trust Google with their data? http://tr.im/yRlo (Sep 16th)
- RT @votergirl: Everything you ever wanted to know about journalism and social media but were too busy tweeting to ask: http://bit.ly/z8bmj (Sep 16th)
- RT @atompkins: Resources to Help You Check Spending on Neighborhood Stabilization Projects: http://bit.ly/57iGe (Sep 17th)
- RT @NiemanLab: What’s driving Facebook’s revenue growth? In part: Self-service advertising by local businesses http://tr.im/z3jX (Sep 18th)
- In Liberia: a daily paper produced on a blackboard by hand: http://bit.ly/Uaj5y (via @RNewmanDesign) (Sep 22nd)
- NYT on using brands as verbs (Tweeting, Photoshopping, Googling, etc.): http://tr.im/zojk (via @NiemanLab) (Sep 22nd)
- RT @iwantmedia WSJ’s morning editorial meetings now start with talks about which stories are most Googled or Tweeted: http://bit.ly/XEb5m (Sep 24th)
- Cool behind-the-scenes snapshots of this year’s @ObserverDallas #BestOfDallas issue http://tr.im/zCgQ (via @warholreject)(Sep 24th)