AAN Member Publications

Photo of Houston Press

Houston Press

Work Phone: (713) 280-2400 Website: http://www.houstonpress.com


The Houston Press gives readers something they don’t get anywhere else around here — a close-up, behind-the-scenes look at what’s really going on where they live. From the irreverent “Hair Balls” column to in-depth investigative and feature stories and entertainment coverage that includes probing of Houston’s late-night club haunts by the “Nightfly,” the Press looks to scratch whatever itch its readers have. And now it’s added its own blog, HouStoned, available 24/7 at http://www.houstonpress.com. Our no-holds-barred approach gets results, too: first place in the National Mental Health Association’s 2006 Media Awards; a finalist showing in the prestigious John Bartlow Martin contest sponsored by Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism, and repeated national food-writing honors for restaurant critic Robb Walsh. In the Press, smart arts and entertainment reviews and ultra-comprehensive listings combine with the insatiable desire to offer hard-edged stories overlooked by other local media. And, of course, to change the course of human events from time to time.