AAN Member Publications

Photo of Nashville Scene

Nashville Scene

Work Phone: (615) 244-7989 Website: http://www.nashvillescene.com/


“All the news that gives you fits.” So went one of the Nashville Scene’s earliest marketing jingles. It still applies today.

From its hard-hitting investigative exposes, to its inside look at the city’s massive entertainment industry, the Scene has developed into a must-read for the city’s business and political leaders. As well, the newsweekly’s on-the-street coverage of emerging local musical talent, in addition to its edgy and provocative lifestyle coverage, has cemented its relationship with readers who rely on the version of things in the Scene rather than the daily newspaper.

Taken together, the Scene on any given week brings together Nashville’s conservative and liberal, young and not-so-young, rich and still renting. Each issue is like an odd dinner party, where the mayor is seated next to a skateboarder, a business CEO next to a yoga instructor. All reading the Scene. All throwing fits.