Why Join AAN?
The benefits of membership are many. The Association of Alternative Newsmedia (AAN) offers strategy and skill-building workshops, advocacy for our industry, conferences with programming specifically design for our members, a renowned awards contest, access to funding and training, member-only listservs and other communications channels.
We welcome new members. Since not all publications fit our model and mission, AAN screens applicants for membership according to criteria spelled out in the AAN bylaws and the journalism standards maintained by consensus.
AAN has a rigorous process to determine whether applying publications meet those standards. The job of evaluating applications falls to the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee has the authority to admit publications for Affiliate Membership and individuals for Individual Membership year-round.
For Regular Membership applications, the Membership Committee makes non-binding recommendations—for or against admission—to the entire membership. The membership votes on each application during the Annual Meeting at AAN’s yearly conference.
The 2025 AAN Membership Application (Regular and/or Affliate) for publications is now available.
You must submit a Regular Membership application by May 15, 2025, if you would like us to consider it at AAN’s 2025 annual meeting. Affiliate Membership applications are considered year-round.
The AAN Membership application for Individual Memberships is available here.
If you have questions about membership, write the association manager at
Regular Membership
Note: Starting in 2023, startup, non-profit, b-corp or “restarting” news outlets may qualify for reduced dues of $395 if Regular Member dues could be a financial burden. If you feel your organization is in that category, please apply for Affiliate Membership and/or Regular Membership and request “Startup” dues on your application.
Regular Membership in the Association shall consist of alternative media, defined as print and online publications meeting the membership principles outlined in AAN’s bylaws, with each publication entitled to one such membership.
Any company publishing more than one publication shall be entitled to multiple Regular Memberships, provided that:
- Each publication pays separate annual membership dues.
- Each publication submits a separate membership application.
- Each publication satisfies the membership criteria outlined in the bylaws.
Affiliate Membership
Many AAN members start as Affiliate Members because they can be admitted year-round by the Membership Committee. In contrast, Regular Members can only be accepted once per year at AAN’s annual conference by the full AAN membership.
The Membership Committee may grant Affiliate Membership to publications if it is concerned that the applicant isn’t eligible for Full Membership under the Principles outlined in AAN’s bylaws but believes the publication is striving to meet those principles.
All Affiliate Members have the opportunity to reapply for Regular Membership at a later date or remain permanently as an Affiliate Member.
Any company publishing more than one publication shall be entitled to multiple Affiliate Memberships, provided that:
- Each publication pays separate annual membership dues.
- Each publication submits a separate membership application.
- Each publication satisfies the membership criteria as outlined in the bylaws.
Individual Membership
The Membership Committee may grant Individual Membership year-round to applicants.
Individuals with a professional or personal interest in AAN members and the Principles set forth in our bylaws—including, but not limited to, people who formerly were involved with an AAN member publication—are eligible to apply.
An Individual member shall be entitled to attend conventions, and annual and special membership meetings, serve on committees, serve on the Board of Directors, and have access to the e-mail listservs.
Associate Membership
We welcome journalism and publishing vendors and organizations to join AAN as Associate Members so your organization can build awareness and relationships with our publishers and their leadership. Opportunities include:
- One special email announcement of the new Associate Member — with an elevator pitch and contact details — via our member newsletter list;
- Inclusion in annual “thank you” email covering the Associate Members to all regular members;
- Logo on our website on the Homepage footer;
- Logo and product offering copy on the Associate Member page;
- Logo in the footer of our newsletter and link to Associate Member page; and
- Member rates for attending the annual convention (you’ll have the option to upgrade this to a vendor booth if you’re inclined to do so, often at a discount).
Annual Member Dues
Dues for membership are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Dues amounts are based on the member’s annual revenue as reported by its publisher. Accounts over 30 days past due are subject to interest charges. Failure to pay dues on time may result in restricted access to member services such as the AAN Awards, listservs, and any conference registration discounts.
2025 AAN Dues
Member Level
Individual Members
Startup Members
Regular Members
Affiliate Members
Associate Members
Annual Member Dues
Dues for membership are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Dues amounts are based on the member’s annual revenue as reported by its publisher. Accounts over 30 days past due are subject to interest charges. Failure to pay dues on time may result in restricted access to member services such as the AAN Awards, listservs, and any conference registration discounts.
2023 AAN Dues
Member Level Dues
Individual Members: $150
Startup Members: $395
Regular Members: $884
Affiliate Members: $884
Associate Members: $1,500