Managing editor Brian Johnson is due in court this morning for pre-trial motions in the criminal case against Jackson Mayor Frank Melton, according to the JFP. Johnson was issued the subpoena (PDF file) by Melton's attorneys, as was a reporter for the daily Clarion-Ledger. This is not the first time the JFP has been called to court by the embattled mayor they've relentlessly covered: Editor Donna Ladd was subpoenaed in a previous trial last year.

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In an overview of the Seattle blogosphere's best and brightest, the Post-Intelligencer says the Slog -- the "chatty little sister to The Stranger" -- is one of the city's most popular blogs. The key to the Slog's success? "The diversity of topics and seemingly incessant posting ... gets readers checking back," the P-I says, citing the blog's 725,000 page views in March and 3,000 RSS subscribers.

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As news spread of the literary icon's death, NUVO was busy getting together a package for alt-weeklies to run to celebrate the Indianapolis-born author's life. All three pieces were written by A&E editor David Hoppe, who knew Vonnegut well, and are available via (where editors can also find pricing information):

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Ten young journalists have been chosen as this year's class from a national pool of over 200 applicants. Intended as a recruitment and training tool for minority journalists, AAJ has roots 25 years deep in a diversity program started at the Medill School of Journalism in Evanston, Ill. Now fully funded by AAN's Alternative Newsweekly Foundation, the eight-week summer fellowship offers a crash course in reporting and writing in a narrative style. Short bios and some photos of this year's class are included in our report.

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The Minneapolis native is telling his clients the strip will be discontinued after next week's edition, City Pages reports. The weekly cartoon began in 1995 as "Schlock 'n' Roll" and now runs in many AAN papers. "Sutton denies this is the end of his political cartooning career," Corey Anderson writes. "But after nine years, it will be a much-needed break from weekly deadlines."

Continue ReadingWard Sutton Retires ‘Sutton Impact’ Comic Strip

The OPEN Government Act will now head to the full Senate for debate, according to a statement released today by the Sunshine in Government Initiative, a coalition of media groups that includes AAN and has promoted FOIA reform since 2005. Last month, the House of Representatives passed a similar bill by an overwhelming margin. Both bills would restore meaningful deadlines for government agencies; require agencies to create hotlines and tracking systems for requests; create an ombudsman to resolve disputes and avoid litigation; ease the recovery of legal fees if a requester is forced to sue; and penalize agencies for delays. AAN members are encouraged to contact their senators to voice support for the bill.

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"Hey, this is cool," Matt Brunson remembers thinking when he was offered the opportunity to write for the alt-weekly in 1988. "I'll be able to earn a couple of extra bucks before this paper folds within the year." Twenty years later, he's Creative Loafing's associate editor and A&E editor. "When this paper started, hardly any of us really knew what we were doing," writes former editor-in-chief John Grooms. "It was [Creative Loafing's] first expansion into another city, and the nuts and bolts of how to do it, more often than not, were up in the air." He says the paper has succeeded because it's "been a source of good writing and quality information, speaking to the reader directly and urging readers to talk back as loudly as they want."

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