After the weekly ran an Oct. 12 cover story about a wheelchair-bound man who filed more than 200 onerous lawsuits against small businesses failing to meet accessibility standards for the disabled, a lawyer for the profile subject has lashed back. Marc E. Angelucci, a Los Angeles attorney who represents David Allen Gunther, calls R. Scott Moxley's investigative article
"one-sided, sensationalistic opinion-disguised-as-news," in a post on the OC Weekly staff blog.

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Bailee Martin, club advertising coordinator for the Seattle alternative weekly, served one too many masters. Martin, along with one of those masters, Music Editor Dave Segal, resigned when it was discovered Segal had solicited Martin to contribute music pieces, which she did under the nom de plume "Keenan Bowen." Editor Dan Savage wastes no time posting a full disclosure.

Continue ReadingStaffers Resign Over Pseudonym Flap at The Stranger