This morning, the bloggers at turned their focus away from New York long enough to post a calendar item from The Missoula Independent. This is the sentence that Gawker found "disturbing": "Bowling and karaoke go together like Israeli bombing and U.S. bombs during Solid Sound karaoke at Westside Lanes."

responds that Gawker missed the point: "that bowling and karaoke don't go particularly well together at all."

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The Emperor's Children, a not-yet-released novel by Claire Messud, has three central characters, including a book critic for The Village Voice who also temps to pay the bills. Sara Eckel, a real-life book critic for The Village Voice, calls the novel "a hypnotic, moving read," even though the "characters may seem overly familiar and noxious (well, except for the Voice critic)."

Continue ReadingNovel Describes ‘Not Quite Grown-Up’ Life of Village Voice Critic