LIVE BLOG: Web Conference Gets Underway

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3:26 pm: Final round of sessions getting started. Journalism and the Social Media Revolution in Golden Gate B and Faceted Search/Semantic Technology taking place next door.

2:59 pm: Pete Schwab of Altperks says that when he found people in Bend, OR using the hashtag #inbend, and started adding that hashtag in order to reach people in that market. Easy way to target users.

2:37 pm: Eduardo Hauser (@eduardohauser) of DailyMe on stage now discussing behavioral targeting.

12:56 pm: Brody: Instead of talking about SEO, we should be talking about SMO. Social Media Optimization. People are beginning to get their information from social networks rather than search.

12:50 pm: Leonard Brody: Regardless of their age, most people behave like adolescents online. When you’re marketing on the internet, you’re essentially talking to children

10:48 am: Gambit, North Coast Journal, and Santa Fe Reporter getting great feedback from Katy McDougall-Collins on how to improve their SEO.

3pm – Journalism and the Social Media Revolution – Burt Herman, Storify

We’re now in an age of information overload, where anyone with a smartphone can broadcast media to the entire world. How does the role of journalism shift to cope with it all and embrace the social media revolution?

Golden Gate B

9:39 am: Webb: Know your audience. Who are they? What devices are they using? No one is going to download your iPhone app if most of your audience is using a Blackberry.

9:29 am: RT @DanGibson520: No joke, Amy Webb has reduced my level of cynicism re: QR codes. Need to add them to paper to link to film/music content

Saturday, 9:12 am: Day 2 begins with Amy Webb of WebbMedia. Gummy bacon is happening.

3:22 pm: Awesome visuals in Chrys Wu’s (@MacDivaONA) session on the Life of an Online Story.

2:37 pm: VVM’s Bill Jensen comments: Mobile ad revenue will increase if you sell it within a vertical, as much as $.50 to the dollar as print ads.

2:21 pm: Wagner hesitated before saying “half-assed.” Obviously has never heard a Tim Keck/Dan Savage presentation.

2:21 pm: Wagner: Mobile is not web, and mobile web is not enough.

2:18 pm: Paul Wagner of Forkfly talking now. Says that mobile strategy and website must be integrated. The mobile sphere is “a complete ecosystem.”

2:02 pm: Amy Gahran from Oakland Local is up now. Check out her talking points here.

1:57 pm: Errett: Even if you don’t want to create an app, a mobile version of your website is absolutely essential.

1:53 pm: Joshua Errett: Don’t allow anyone else’s branding on your app. When choosing an app developer, watch out for hucksters.

1:41 pm: Mobile App session with Amy Gahran, Joshua Errett & Paul Wagner is getting started.

12:11 pm: RT @downtownkake: “you’re a weekly. if your website is a weekly, you’re dead.” neil chase

12:06 pm: Federated Media VP Neil Chase: “Content” is not a bad word. Content creates engagement.

11:27 am: Retha Hill, Director of the New Media Innovations Lab at The Cronkite School, is showing this video demo of the very cool World Lens app.

11:01 am: AAN President Mark Zusman gets the opening session started, announces that in order to get as many people to New Orleans for the Annual Convention in July, the Board of Directors will reduce registration rates dramatically.