Colorado Springs Independent Announces “WeBrand the Springs” Contest Amidst Community Uproar

As has been well-documented in the 48 hours since the big unveil, “Live it up!” – our Castle Rock-sourced, $111,000 branding brainchild – is a big letdown and has already been featured on the Huffington Post.

So the Colorado Springs Independent wants to suggest other options to the city, from the people who live around it and love it.

Call it the “WeBrand the Springs” contest. With $1,100 up for grabs and a pint of locally brewed Bristol Beer promised to each entrant, we invite community members to submit their best Colorado Springs logo-and-slogan pairing, and/or their best Colorado Springs promotional video (limited to 90 seconds). Entries will be received at through 5:55 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 15.

You can also mail your work to our office, or just drop it by the building at 235 S. Nevada Ave. We also ask for an artist bio (25 words or fewer) and an artist statement (of 100 words or fewer), explaining why your submission projects the most fitting image of the Springs.

We will select anywhere from five to 10 finalists in both categories. On Thursday, Dec. 22, in print and at, we’ll present the logo-and-slogan finalists. We’ll also present the video finalists at

From there, selecting a winner will be up to you. You’ll get to vote for your fave at, in a poll active from Dec. 22 through Tuesday, Dec. 27.

The highest vote-getter in the logo-and-slogan category, and the highest vote-getter in the video category, will be declared winners in our Dec. 29 issue. And we’ll invite the winners to come along when we present their work to Experience Colorado Springs, the convention and visitors bureau.

Each winner will receive $550. That totals $1,100 — 1 percent of what it cost to get “Live it up!”

Individuals or groups are welcome to submit as many ideas, as often, as desired. But only locals in the Pikes Peak region (to include El Paso and Teller counties) are eligible. All submissions become the property of the Independent. Again, deadline is 5:55 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 15. Please send further questions to

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