LA CityBeat Launches New Format with Fifth Annual Real Best LA Issue


Today, LA CityBeat weekly newspaper launches a new and exciting physical format. In a departure from the traditional loose-leaf tabloid newsprint only format consumers are used to seeing with weekly newspapers, LA CityBeat becomes the only weekly newspaper covering the entire Los Angeles market that will feature a stitched and trimmed (“magazine”) style bind and will also feature a glossy cover wrapping the product. These will be weekly format changes that will continue on a weekly basis.

The move is made this week in celebration of LA CityBeat‘s 5th annual Real Best LA issue, it’s annual homage to all the things that make the City of Angels such a great place to live, work and play. This year’s edition features unique critics picks from 53 of LA’s notable neighborhoods.

The following is text from the introduction of the issue:

There are eight million stories in the naked city, but only about 130,000 of them are about naked people, and about 90,000 of those are kind of boring — they all had the same ending — and most of the rest aren’t exactly the quality sort of naked a readership like this deserves. So instead we present the best of the real non-naked city of Los Angeles, where every neighborhood has something that deserves a story — Brendan Fraser, perhaps, or Cinefamily or the Museum of Jurassic Technology or the Tam and Bigfoot Lodge or the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, or the Saban Center for Health and Wellness or Black Dog Coffee or the Great Wall of Los Angeles or Miss T’s Barcade — and the neighborhoods that don’t are left to cower and cover their shame or are simply attached to a paragraph about K-Fed, the bringer of shame. (We still love you, Tarzana.) If it’s not as titillating as you expected — just like most real naked people — you can at least be sure that we’ve stripped down to everything you’d really want to see. — Chris Ziegler

Real Best L.A.

For additional information please contact executive publisher, Charles Gerencser — 323-938-1399.

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