The Independent is breaking up with Thursday and moving to Wednesday.
Now you’ll have 24 more hours to plan your playtime and see our latest news and columns, starting Wednesday, April 11, 2012.
Breaking up is hard to do and we don’t want to do it alone. So, share your
best Break Up story in the “Independent Break Up” Sweepstakes! With a $100 Restaurant Gift Certificate up for grabs, we invite you to submit your Break Up story to this blog announcement by 5:55 p.m., Monday, April. 9. Or you can mail your story to our office, or just drop it by the building at 235 S. Nevada Ave. Limit of 100 words or fewer, explaining why your Break Up story is the best. Or you can e-mail it to
On Wednesday, April 11, we’ll announce the winning story in our first
Wednesday issue.
The winner will receive $100 to a local restaurant so you can take your new partner out on the town or have a great location for your next Break Up!
Individuals are welcome to submit their Break Up story, but only locals in the Pikes Peak region (to include El Paso and Teller counties) are eligible. The Independent retains the right to use any submitted story in Independent-related forums including, but not limited to, print, social media, and The creator retains all remaining rights.
Again, deadline is 5:55 p.m., Monday, April. 9. Please send further questions to