Graham Rayman's cover story last week, "Clearing the Air About 9/11's Toxic Dust and Cancer," doesn't refer directly to last year's Kristen Lombardi story on the same subject, but it "reads nevertheless like an unequivocal attempt at refuting its claims," according to the New York Observer. Lombardi's piece, which won a first-place AltWeekly Award for investigative reporting, stipulated that exposure to the Ground Zero rubble was giving rescue workers cancer, while Rayman's piece argues that research on the topic is murky. The Observer asks editor Tony Ortega, who fired Lombardi in May, if Rayman's story was a way of distancing his Village Voice from the version published under previous editor David Blum. "There was no conscious effort to 'tie' this cover to anything," he says. "New editor, new writer, and a new look at an evolving story. Call it weird if you like." He added: "The piece he wrote does contradict what has been written by other journalists, and what the Voice has written in the past. But that's the nature of journalism -- we're always gathering new evidence and trying to make sense of what we find."

Continue ReadingVillage Voice Revists its Reporting on 9/11 Cancer Link

"He's leaving L.A. Weekly not because of some New Times conspiracy but because Scribner has asked him to write a book about Mexico City based on his amazing cover story from last year," OC Weekly's Gustavo Arellano writes. Hernandez, who Arellano credits as "the man who made my career" with a big profile in the Los Angeles Times, writes on his blog that the book will be "about the underground, basically -- youth and subcultures."

Continue ReadingDaniel Hernandez Leaving L.A. Weekly to Write Book for Scribner