MinnPost.com, which is slated to launch later this year, will be a not-for-profit internet-based daily "paper" run by former Star Tribune editor and publisher Joel Kramer. Corey Anderson, formerly online managing editor at City Pages, will be web editor, and three former staffers will be contributors: David Brauer, Beth Hawkins, and Mike Mosedale.

Continue ReadingNew Internet Venture in Minnesota Taps Former City Pages Staffers

When the Association of Food Journalists announced the winners of their 2007 Awards this weekend, AAN members came out on top in three categories. Willamette Week's Zach Dundas took first in Newspaper Food Feature (under 150,000 circulation) for "Bean Town;" Blair Campbell's "Wineau" column in East Bay Express was named Best Newspaper Food Column; and Gail Shepherd of New Times Broward-Palm Beach won first in Newspaper Restaurant Criticism. Creative Loafing (Atlanta)'s Besha Rodell took home two third-place awards, in Newspaper Food Feature and Newspaper Restaurant Criticism; and Malcolm Gay from the Riverfront Times took third in Newspaper Food Column.

Continue ReadingAlt-Weeklies Take Home A Handful of Food Journalism Awards

On the heels of last week's story on a Vietnamese-language newspaper that has been become the target of an "anti-communist witch-hunt," staff writer Nick Schou's mug appeared "in a none-too-flattering cartoon" on Take2Tango.com, OC Weekly reports. "It's unclear just yet in what way Nick is supposed to be controlling Viet Weekly publisher Le Vu -- our translation of the accompanying Vietnamese text is still pending -- and I must say, that really doesn't look like Nick at all," writes editor Ted Kissell. "Except for the fountain pen for a hand. Totally accurate. I've been meaning to get one of those for myself."

Continue ReadingOC Weekly Writer Caricatured in Vietnamese-language Press