The Fort Collins Weekly, headed by AAN veterans Joel Dyer and Greg Campbell, entered into a "partnership" earlier this month with Northern Colorado Communications, a regional publishing group owned by Nevada-based Swift Communications. Last week, NCC announced that it would be changing the paper's name to Fort Collins Now. However, in a press release issued the following day, the Rocky Mountain Chronicle proclaimed that it had registered the name "Fort Collins NOW" with Colorado's Secretary of State, according to the Coloradoan. The Chronicle, whose masthead also boasts several AAN vets, says it is willing to relinquish the name. "But we have some stipulations," says associate publisher Josh Johnson, tweaking his competitor. "We want fruit pies. And not just any fruit pies, but local, independent pies."

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AAN members won 15 first-place awards in the California Association of Newspaper Publishers' annual contest, led by Palo Alto Weekly, which took home five firsts. Chico News & Review placed first in in three categories; Pacific Sun won two; and Metro Santa Cruz, North Coast Journal, Sacramento News & Review, San Francisco Bay Guardian, and the Santa Barbara Independent each finished in first in one category. The awards were presented in a ceremony Saturday evening.

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