2014 AAN Digital Conference Presentations and Resources

Last week at the 2014 AAN Digital Conference, the largest crowd in six years gathered at the Argonaut Hotel in San Francisco to learn and discuss ways to reach new audiences and increase digital revenue through strategic partnerships.

If you couldn’t join us, or if you were in attendance and want to keep the momentum going, below is a list of presentation slides and additional resources from the conference.

Special thanks to the conference sponsors: DesertNet/Foundation, Camayak, OwnLocal, and Snap Skout. Thanks also to Joshua Curry for creating the conference web app.

Thursday Sessions

Tips and Tricks for Effective Longform Digital Storytelling
Presenter: Adam Schweigart, Investigative News Network
Session Slides

Five Recent Copyright Issues and What We Can Learn from Them
Presenter: Kevin Goldberg, Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth
Session Slides

Why Newspapers are Poised to Take Advantage of the Explosive Opportunity with Online Promotions
Presenter: Matt Coen, Second Street
Session Slides

Friday Sessions

New Media, New Metrics: Building Audiences with Analytics
Presenter: Dana Chinn, USC Annenberg

Session Slides

Stunning Multimedia Projects Without Breaking the Bank
Presenters: Ryan deRose, Vibethink and Giles Morris, C-Ville Weekly

Digital Services
Presenters: Taylor Treese, MediaTrax (Slides); Kelly Benish, Search Influence (Slides); and Adam Jones, Google

Big Data Projects for Little Newsrooms
Presenter: Emma Carew Grovum, Foreign Policy

Data Journalism Resources

Monetize My Digital
Presenters: Ches Hagen, VendAsta; Jeremy Kagan, Pricing Engine; Jeremy Mims, OwnLocal; Tony Lee, Adicio; Caroline Li, Snap Skout (Slides); Dennis Mulcahy, SpinGo; and Matt Voigt, Saambaa (Slides)

Alt-Weeklies vs. the Surveillance State
Presenter: Dave Maass and Parker Higgins, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Session Slides
Additional Resources: Mozilla Lightbeam, Encryption Works (a guide for journalists), Switch to HTTPS Now, For Free (turning on SSL), Feb 11: The Day We Fight Back, SecureDrop, Tor Project, EFF website.

Redesigning the Alt-Weekly Model: Design Thinking for Alt-Weeklies
Presenters: Alexa Schirtzinger, Stanford University
Session Slides

Streaming Radio: Alt Brand Extension
Presenters: Jeff Lawrence, DigBoston, and Paul Kamp, Backbone Networks
Session Slides

Saturday Sessions

The Digital Attention Grab: Growing Audience and Impact
Presenter: Elizabeth Osder, The Osder Group
Session Slides

Sponsor Presentation: Camayak
Presenter: Roman Heindorff, Co-founder and CEO
Session Slides

Platform Does Not Equal Content
Presenter: David Wright, Twitter
Session Slides

Newsletter Super-Session
Moderator: Bill Jensen; Panelists: Ruth Presslaff, Presslaff Interactive Revenue; and Colby Roberts, Seven Days
Session Slides

Paywall and Crowdfunding Case Stories
Presenters: Lindsey Millar, Arkansas Times; Sally Freeman, Boise Weekly; and Pat Kitano, Breaking News Network
Session Slides

Selling with Social: Prospecting and Positioning your Own Brand
Presenter: Amie Stein, Local Media Association
Session Slides

Native Advertising: What’s the Story?
Presenter: Amie Stein, Local Media Association
Session Slides

Search and Reputation Management for Alt-Weeklies
Presenter: Chris Robino, SearchRankings.net
Session Slides