AAN Returns to Las Vegas for Writers, Designers and Photographers Workshop

AAN’s popular workshop for writers will return to Las Vegas on November 4 and 5, and this year, designers and photographers are invited to the party.

In two days of hands-on training, designers will learn how to use infographics to make sense of data-heavy stories, get down and dirty with Adobe CS, and get tips on how to create top-notch video and stills using hardware they already own.

Writers will participate in an immersive half-day session on business reporting and the green economy sponsored by the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism, search for meaty story opportunities in the growing prison industry, and receive practical advice on becoming a better spot reporter.

The competitive story generating session — always one of the most popular sessions — is also on the agenda, and writers will have the opportunity to submit their stories (published or not) for critique by AAN’s editorial committee.


In the joint sessions, design and editorial will bring it all home and discuss how to work together to make stories sing. By the time they leave Vegas, attendees will have gained essential tools and made valuable connections with their counterparts at other AAN publications.

“This workshop promises to send writers home with a rucksack full of new story ideas, reporting strategies and contacts,” said Anne Schindler, editor of Folio Weekly and AAN Editorial Chair. “It exploits both the wealth of editorial talent inside the AAN pool and a slew of industry experts. So despite the ‘what happens in Vegas’ gospel, your staff will return home with plenty of good info to share.”

Best of all, this year’s workshop is extremely accessible and affordable. AAN members that register by October 14 pay $75 per person.

AAN publications also receive a break on multiple registrations: Pay for two and get the third person free. Register one more and get the fifth person free. That comes out to five registrations for $225.


After Oct. 14, the member rate goes up to $100 per person.

The non-member registration rate is $150 per person until Oct. 14, and $175 per person thereafter.


AAN has a block of rooms for workshop attendees at the Tuscany Suites. The group rates are $45 for Thursday night, Nov. 3 and $85 for Friday and Saturday nights. Group rates are for single or double occupancy; additional person charges apply for triple or quad. The cut-off date to make reservations at our group rate is Oct. 10.

You may make your reservations online by clicking on Group Reservations. Use group code 12S0AU. You may also call the Tuscany’s reservations department at (877) 887-2261 and request the Association of Alternative Newsmedia group rate. Each individual is required to provide a credit card for first night’s room and tax deposit, which will be charged in order to guarantee accomodations. The hotel’s cancellation policy for individual reservations is 72 hours prior to scheduled arrival.