AdPerfect Extends Mobile Classified Marketplace with Spreed Inc.

AdPerfect, a classified advertising solution provider to media publishers, today
announced it’s partnership with Spreed Inc., a mobile publishing platform for
content providers. The partnership will offer the companies’ media publisher clients
a mobile solution that includes classified data and news data in one application
rather than serval different ones.

“AdPerfect’s classified platform has always taken an innovative and scalable
approach to classifieds,” said Steve Kump, President & CTO of AdPerfect.
“Integrating AdPerfect’s mobile-optimized classified platform with Spreed’s content
applications, supports AdPerfect’s mobile strategy: offering mobile optimized
solutions that hook into our clients’ existing mobile applications.”

The partnership integrates Spreed’s mobile applications with AdPerfect’s priority
mobile-optimized classified solution. “We’re excited about our partnership with
AdPerfect,” said Dave Coleman, Director of Sales & Marketing at Spreed Inc. “By
seamlessly integrating the two sophisticated technologies, clients further expand
their mobile value proposition.”

How does it work? Users launch the publication’s application, hosted by Spreed,
from their mobile device. They are presented both news and classifieds tabs. When
the classifieds tab and/or link is selected the user is driven to the publication’s
AdPerfect-hosted mobile Online Marketplace, where they can shop that
publication’s classifieds.

“The AdPerfect Spreed partnership offers one application that provides both news &
classified content, making for a better user experience. Plus, this is a cost-effective
solution for media publishers,” said Kump.

Spreed offers applications for deployment across the mobile ecosystem, including
all major smart phones and tablets. AdPerfect’s mobile-optimized classified
platform is browser agnostic and automatically updates with releases.

“Spreed continually sources best-in-class partners to offer our clients world-class
service and technology. AdPerfect is such a partner and we look forward to a
successful relationship,” said Coleman.

About AdPerfect:
AdPerfect offers comprehensive yet configurable local & classified advertising
solutions designed to achieve maximum revenue for media publishers. AdPerfect’s
web-based Classified Advertising Solution reduces costs, simplifies workflows, and
increases ROI. AdPerfect’s solutions are used by over 450 media publishers across
North America, the UK, and Australia. Some customers include: The McClatchy
Company, New York Times Regional Media Group, Metro Group, Postmedia Network,,, AutoTrader UK, and Metroland Media Group.

About Spreed Inc:
Spreed Inc. is a leader in mobile publishing and advertising technology for the
media industry. By focusing on scalability, security and analytics, Spreed excels in
the fast, cost effective development of smart phone and tablet applications that
generate revenue from day one.

By simplifying the mobile eco-system, Spreed enables content providers to work
with just a single vendor. Seamlessly integrating all of the pieces needed for a
lucrative mobile property to speak to and listen to each other, Spreed increases
speed to market and advertising revenue optimization. Spreed’s technology
interlinks three sophisticated, proprietary platforms – ContentSync, Clever Ads and
Mobile Insight – that together deliver a market best mobile publishing solution.

AdPerfect Contact:
Christine Hamann
Marketing Manager

Spreed Inc. Contact:
Dave Coleman
Director of Sales & Marketing