From The Pope to The Situation, from Glenn Beck to Tiger Woods, the Phoenix has rolled out its annual list of the year's 100 unsexiest men. "Nike's robotically perfect pitchman took that whole 'Just Do It' slogan a smidge too literally -- with virtually any hooker, cocktail waitress, golf groupie, substitute teacher, den mother, and rodeo clown within a chip shot of his 5-iron," the Phoenix says of Woods, who took top honors this year. "Making matters worse, to repair his nuked image, he hired evil former Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer as his public-relations caddy."

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Foundation says Raleigh/Durham's Independent Weekly, Indianapolis' Nuvo and the Nashville Scene have recently launched new sites on the Foundation platform. These three papers join 21 others on the content management system, which is specifically geared toward AAN papers.

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Twenty-five arts journalists have been chosen to participate as fellows in the sixth NEA Arts Journalism Institute in Theater and Musical Theater at USC Annenberg, and six of them come from alt-weeklies. Philadelphia City Paper critic Mark Cofta, San Antonio Current arts and online editor Sarah Fisch, San Francisco Bay Guardian critic Nicole Gluckstern, LA Weekly critic Mayank Keshaviah, Oklahoma Gazette critic Larry Laneer and Eugene Weekly performing and visual arts editor Steffen will all take part in May's institute, a rigorous 11-day program which includes writing workshops and one-on-one master classes.

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A San Francisco Superior Court judge last week granted a motion by the San Francisco Bay Guardian to set a hearing to determine if Bank of Montreal, the lead bank for SF Weekly, should be held in contempt of court for telling the Weekly's advertisers that it has first right to that paper's money. The Guardian contends that the March ruling allowing the Guardian to take half of the Weekly's ad revenue means it has first right to any money from the Weekly, not the bank. The hearing is set for April 30.

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Continuing a trend from previous suveys, more than 70 percent of respondents in the 2010 PRWeek/PR Newswire Media Survey indicate a heavier workload as compared to last year. The survey finds the workloads being driven up by web reporting and social media, with 62 percent of respondents now required to write for the web, and 37 percent of the American respondents required to maintain a Twitter account.

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The Spokane, Wash., alt-weekly has re-launched its website, The redesign features faster load times, online archives stretching back 10 years, a regularly updated, all-in-one blog (a la The Stranger's Slog) and, crucially, a searchable, sortable, shareable entertainment listing system. The redesign was made possible through months of work with Wisconsin-based WeHaa, a web-publishing company that is also currently working with the Santa Fe Reporter, Ohio's Athens News and Birmingham Weekly. "My major goal was to really give The Inlander the dream site ... [to] give them the best tools to grab the online market," says Cesar Montes, president of WeHaa. "We keep growing and growing and growing, because we are [always] open to hearing the needs of the publisher."

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