Earlier this month, in Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v. Roommates.com, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed prior rulings that interpreted the Communications Decency Act as broadly immunizing website owners from liability based on content posted by third parties. However, the court introduced a new test to determine if a website is outside the scope of Section 230 immunity, according to Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. "Under the 9th Circuit's test, if a website 'materially contributes' to the allegedly illegal content, as opposed to providing 'neutral' tools for communicating information, it may forfeit its immunity," the law firm says. Applying this test, the court found that Roommates.com was in part a content provider, so it was not immune from claims under the federal Fair Housing Act and similar state laws that prohibit discriminatory housing practices. AAN joined an amicus brief in support of Roommates.com's position in the case. Here is the L.A. Times' report on the case.

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"Hall of Best Knowledge is several things rolled into one: a bizarre self-help book; an eccentric college text; a guide to life from the unlikeliest of guides. It's hard to categorize (typographical novel? graphic metafiction?), even harder to explain," the National Post reports. The book's creator, Halifax-based graphic designer and artist Ray Fenwick, says the book was originally serialized in the The Coast after being rejected by other newspapers. "They were able to look past its weirdness," he says. The book is available now from Fantagraphics.

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The Sunshine in Government Initiative (SGI) yesterday presented its 2008 Sunshine Award to Representatives Rick Boucher of Virginia and Mike Pence of Indiana for their commitment and work to strengthen open government. "Boucher and Pence have strongly pushed for a federal shield law to protect a reporter's sources," the SGI release says. "Under their leadership shield legislation has gone much farther than ever through the halls of Congress." The legislation, the Free Flow of Information Act, was passed by the House and the Senate Judiciary Committee last October, but has since languished, waiting to be called to the Senate floor for a vote.

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