In a neck-and-neck race for Colorado's 5th Congressional District, Democratic candidate Jay Fawcett took out a full-page ad in the Colorado Springs Independent, the Rocky Mountain News reports. The ad campaign -- one of the biggest campaign expenditures ever by a Democrat in the district, according to the News -- may give Fawcett the edge he needs to wrest away a seat the Republicans have owned since 1972.

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OC Weekly editor Nick Schou's book about the dire last days of journalist Gary Webb is out at last, and many AAN members are excerpting it. Schou first met Webb at the peak of the controversy over "Dark Alliance," his 1996 San Jose Mercury Press series on collusion between the CIA and cocaine-trafficking Nicaraguan contras. Scourged by the mainstream media, a broke and unconsolable Webb sank into depression and committed suicide in December 2004. "Kill the Messenger: How the CIA's Crack Cocaine Controversy Destroyed Gary Webb" grew out of an OC Weekly article Schou wrote following his death. In "In These Times," former Village Voice columnist Doug Ireland calls Schou's book a "a meticulous, balanced account" of the affair and "a cautionary tale for anyone considering a career in investigative journalism."

Continue ReadingHot Off the Press: The Tragedy of Gary Webb

K.A. Paul, the jet-setting evangelical minister who attempted to persuade House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert to resign amid the fallout of PageGate, is himself no stranger to controversy. Josh Harkinson relates in Mother Jones how his former paper, the Houston Press, exposed the cleric's profligate use of a private jet.

Continue ReadingHouston Press Chronicled Jet-Setting of Hastert’s Would-Be Confessor