Sunday's New York Times carried a wedding announcement for Style Weekly Arts Editor Carrie Nieman and her groom, Scott Culpepper; as an online bonus, visitors to the Times' Web site can stream a five-minute "Vows" video and watch the pair recount how they met (at a party) and how he proposed (in Costa Rica). Warning: the romance-averse may need to avert their eyes.

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On his blog "The Daily Pulp," New Times Broward-Palm Beach writer Bob Norman says that a July 9 Miami Herald article is "verging on a journalistic crime." Robert Santiago penned the Herald story on a transgender child that contains details similar to those in a May 18 New Times story by Julia Reischel. Norman argues that Santiago never saw the child, so he "got the information from the New Times story, plain and simple. And the Herald should have credited the NT story, damn straight." Santiago responds that "all the detail in the story comes directly from the parents and others I interviewed."

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