We're a little slow in posting this, but OC Weekly's Guastavo Arellano -- who just won a first-place AltWeekly Award for his column -- was the guest on Monday's episode of The Colbert Report (available for download on iTunes). Colbert initially called the column "Ask THE Mexican," and according to Arellano's blog post, also mispronounced his name, but the two still managed to discuss topics ranging from immigration to little people. Arellano tried to provide a legitimate Aztec cultural background on the latter topic, but Colbert evidently thought the explanation was too sophisticated so he interrupted, asking, "Are you speaking Spanish right now?"

Continue ReadingStephen Colbert ‘Asks a Mexican’

After weeks of uncertainty, details started to firm up by the day before the former president was due to arrive in Little Rock. He'll take only two questions -- none about Hillary -- his handlers said, and it would be nice if one of them was about Clinton's new school of Public Service. But then Elvis showed up back stage, "flanked by Secret Service agents and more handlers, and all bets were off," writes Westword Editor Patty Calhoun, who by then had been anointed Clinton’s designated interviewer. "I would have packed something other than flip-flops had I known my feet were going to be on stage," says Calhoun.

Continue ReadingBehind the Scenes at the Clinton Speech