Harvey Silverglate, who is also a civil rights attorney, appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor" on Dec. 11 to discuss National Security Agency leaks. At first the conversation was surprisingly civil, with Silverglate even ribbing O'Reilly by saying, "Fair and balanced, that's my motto." Silverglate mentioned his recent Phoenix article suggesting that New York Times staff could be indicted for publishing the domestic wiretapping story: he told O'Reilly, "I received more phone calls and e-mail, hostile e-mail, about that from my friends in the news media saying, 'Don't give the Department of Justice any ideas!'" However, as discussion turned to whether exposing the wiretapping could have undermined the war on terror, the segment ended with a brief shouting match. A summary of Silverglate's appearance can be found on O'Reilly's Web site.

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The business partners responsible for Bellingham Weekly, Publisher Douglas Tolchin and Editor Tim Johnson, recently had a dispute that resulted in Johnson's termination and the ownership of the paper being argued in court. Tolchin now has released a Winter 2006 "hibernation issue," comprising: a short fable indicating that the paper's recent troubles may be a blessing in disguise; a help-wanted ad for a new managing editor; a "hamster index" contrasting BW facts with facts about the black bear; a "tribute to local print media"; a reader survey asking advice on future issues; and a letter from the publisher, in which Tolchin recaps his view on the events of the last few months, sets goals to move BW toward a "sustainable and sensible business model," and projects a spring 2006 date for the next issue.

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San Francisco Bay Guardian is planning a year-long anniversary celebration, starting with a strikingly different look. In the Jan. 11 issue, Executive Editor Tim Redmond calls the new design "both far more modern and in keeping with the historical mission of this newspaper." The Bay Guardian was founded in 1966 by Bruce B. Brugmann and his wife Jean Dibble; Brugmann is still the editor and publisher, and Dibble is the associate publisher. The paper has also re-adopted its original logo; Redmond says the move demonstrates that the vision Brugmann and Dibble had "when they started the Guardian is still what we're about today: Printing the news and raising hell."

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