In September, two media entrepreneurs launched U Weekly, an arts and entertainment paper for students at Ohio State University. As reported in the New York Times, U Weekly has faced resistance from university officials and from Ohio State's traditional, student-run newspaper, The Lantern. The Lantern's faculty advisor comes off as savvy, however, remarking that "competition in journalism is good because it raises the bar and gets folks thinking about how to differentiate publications from others." U Weekly's owners have successfully launched college weeklies in Baton Rouge, La., and Lexington, Ky., but Columbus already has two alternative weeklies with entertainment coverage: The Other Paper and Columbus Alive.

Continue ReadingWeekly Paper for College Students Faces Obstacles in Columbus has posted the July 15 letter that former Voice writer Richard Goldstein received from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in response to his discrimination complaint. In stiff language, the letter provides some details of the Village Voice Media's defense against the charges of sexual harassment and age discrimination before stating that the EEOC was "unable to conclude that the information establishes violations of statutes." The letter also warns Goldstein that he "may only pursue this matter by filing suite (sic)" within 90 days, which he did on Oct. 12. The 14-page complaint that Goldstein filed in court is also posted on the Smoking Gun Web site.

Continue ReadingNew Information in Sexual Harassment Suit Against the Village Voice