The association has collected over $106,000 in charitable contributions since the effort to raise money for Gambit Weekly employees was announced on Sept. 2. A second payment of $1,000 was wired yesterday to each of those employees, who were evacuated from their homes and left without jobs or income after Hurricane Katrina struck. Most of the money raised has come from AAN-member papers and their employees, although contributions began to trickle in last week from readers as well.

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In an entry in his MSNBC blog on Monday, network newsman Brian Williams called Part 4 of Michael Tisserand's AAN-commissioned series on the evacuee experience, "a fine piece of journalism" and a "sobering and instructive piece of writing." Speaking of the displaced Gambit Weekly editor, in addition to producing fine journalism, he and some of his former neighbors recently started a new school for their children in New Iberia, La. In case you missed it yesterday on CBS' The Early Show, you can read about the Sugar Cane Academy here.

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