That's what new editor Harry Siegel (pictured) tells The New York Sun. Siegel, founder of the cultural and political blog New Partisan, says that under his direction the Press will appeal to readers who "are interested in argument and reason" by giving them "a more credible, serious, and ideologically open alternative to the [Village] Voice." The first issue under his editorship will hit the streets on August 24.

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On her blog this morning, the Santa Fe Reporter editor summarizes the AAN/Medill Writers Workshop, as well as the Editorial Committee meeting that preceded it. She says the programming "was all quite good," with the high point for her being the discussion between Westword editor Patricia Calhoun and former Westword writer, Julie Jargon, about their story that broke the Air Force rape scandal. She also says Dan Savage was funny and provocative, and although she thinks his philosophy is "pretty reductive," he had everyone "talking about what he had to say well into the night."

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