Baltimore City Paper's "Murder Ink" feature details every homicide in the city, including the whens and wheres of each. Boston's Weekly Dig publishes a "Perp Walk" that reports on crime with a comic flair. Editor & Publisher examines "the revival of the police blotter by youth- oriented and alternative papers" and the way "these papers are redefining the very style of the blotter."

Continue ReadingAlts Uncuff Crime Blotters from Traditional Formats

If your paper is interested in hosting the annual confab in 2007*, now's the time to raise your hand. The AAN Board of Directors will begin considering proposals for 2007* at its next meeting, so if you think your city and staff have what it takes to keep 500+ jaded AAN conventioneers happy for three or four days during the summer -- or if you would like to know more about what's involved in hosting the convention -- contact Richard Karpel at the AAN office ( or 202/289-8484) by mid-September. (Correction, July 15, 2005: This item originally stated incorrectly that AAN was seeking a host for the 2006 convention. The 2006 convention will be held June 15-17 in Little Rock and will be hosted by Arkansas Times.)

Continue ReadingWould You Like to Host the AAN Convention?