Chicago Reader has been named to Editor & Publisher's "10 That Do It Right" list. It is cited for its singular achievement in attracting young, single readers while producing a thick, substantive paper that doesn't fit the mold. "Long-form journalism is a staple, but screechy commentary on national issues isn't," E&P's Greg Mitchell comments. The Reader and nine other winners are profiled in an online article available only to E&P subscribers.

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Scott Myer, an attorney who advertises in L.A. Weekly, says his rates have doubled since the paper's owner, Village Voice Media, paid NT Media to eliminate New Times Los Angeles in 2002. Myer filed suit Friday, and his proposed class action could bring in other L.A. Weekly advertisers. In addition to asking to be paid damages and court costs, he would like to prevent the media company from hiking its ad rates.

Continue ReadingAttorney Sues Village Voice Media for Alleged Antitrust Violation

IST, the online phenomenon that is equal parts soapbox, singles bar and garage sale, is trying to boost revenues. But proponents of the Web site's public service attitude need not fear — the company is just trying to cover its costs. "We get so many job listings and we review them all manually. It takes up a disproportionate amount of time for our customer service people. The best way for us to separate the wheat from the chaff is to have a modest fee," Craigslist Chief Executive Jim Buckmaster told The Post.

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Just in case St. Louis, Mo., residents aren't getting their full sex education in the public schools, school board member Bill Haas has started offering supplemental advice in the city's alt-weekly. His column "Bill Me!" covers such sexual topics as -- well, AAN News would like to report what the St. Louis Post-Dispatch said they were, but the paper's Jake Wagman wrote that he couldn't mention them in any but the most general terms in a family newspaper.

Continue ReadingRiverfront Times Hires School Board Member As Sex Columnist